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Saolta News

Presentation of cheque by the Hospital Action Committee to the Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Department at Roscommon Hospital

The Hospital Action Committee presented a donation of €4,428 to Roscommon Hospital for the purchase of a Bi-Polar Diathermy machine for use in the Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Department.

Letterkenny Hospital interim Emergency Department

The Emergency Department at Letterkenny Hospital is now accepting all GP referrals from their traditional catchment area.
This stands down the final remaining elements of the diversion arrangements that were effected on the night of the flood on Friday 26 July.
The repatriation of inpatients from Sligo Regional Hospital will continue over the coming days.
Walk in patients are also being accepted to the ED in Letterkenny Hospital from all areas.

Letterkenny Hospital interim Emergency Department

The interim Emergency Department at Letterkenny Hospital reopened to ambulance admissions on a phased basis on Saturday 17 August. On Sunday the area covered by ambulance admissions was increased and NoWDOC referrals from Letterkenny and Inisowen  were also accepted.  On Monday 19th August the hospital is continuing to increase access and has moved into Phase 3 of the reopening.

Letterkenny Hospital to open interim Emergency Department

The interim Emergency Department at Letterkenny Hospital is planned to reopen to ambulance admissions on a phased basis from 10.00 am on Saturday 17 August. Therefore patients should no longer attend Altnagelvin Hospital from 10.00 am on Saturday. Sean Murphy Hospital Manager briefed members of the media and public representatives today to announce the news and promote details of how the capacity of Emergency Department to treat patients will be extended over the coming weeks.

Launch of “A Swallow’s Tale in a Thousand Skies” Exhibition by dialysis patients and staff from Merlin Park University Hospital at Galway Arts Centre

On August 12 an exhibition titled “A Swallow’s Tale in a Thousand Skies” opens in the Galway Arts Centre. The exhibition is the highlight of an art project which celebrates a year in dialysis at Merlin Park University Hospital and is open to the public from 10.00am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday and from 10.00am - 2.00pm on Saturdays until 31 August.

Letterkenny Hospital Flood and Services Update

The Letterkenny Hospital Manager briefed members of the media at a press conference today (Friday 09 August).  The conference gave an overview of the services that are currently being delivered in Letterkenny and an update on the restoration of services.  The Modular Units to build a link corridor to the temporary radiology services are arriving on site today.  This vital piece of engineering and construction work will take place over the coming days and is a critical stage in the restoration

Emergency Department Service to be restored at Letterkenny Hospital in the coming weeks

Plans are in place to introduce a phased return of the Emergency Department at Letterkenny Hospital in the coming weeks.

Letterkenny working to restore an Emergency Department Service as soon as possible

Letterkenny General Hospital is working to restore an emergency medicine service at the hospital as soon as it is safe to do so.
Sean Murphy, Hospital Manager commented, “Patient safety and welfare is our paramount concern and we have been working round the clock to ensure that we continue to provide the maximum safe level of service and to minimise the disruption to all of our patients.

Galway University Hospitals launches mobile app as part of an ongoing policy to improve antibiotic use

Galway University Hospitals has launched a new mobile app for Antimicrobial Prescribing Guidelines. This is to co-incide with the intake of 197 Non-Consultant Doctors at the hospital in July.

Meet and Greet Volunteers – Showing the Way around University Hospital Galway

The Meet and Greet Volunteer Service at University Hospital Galway has been running very successfully for almost five years now, and staff and visitors have been wholehearted in their praise of the valuable work that the volunteers have been carrying out during that time.  Two of the Meet and Greet Volunteers, Bregeen Cassidy and Ann O’Toole, have been working at the hospital for the last two and five years respectively.  They signed up to be volunteers as they believed it would be a useful w
