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Letterkenny University Hospital Announces Quality Improvement Plans for Enhanced Patient Care

At a recent meeting at Letterkenny University Hospital (LUH), staff, managers and senior leaders from hospitals in the West and North West along with members of the National Care Experience Programme, HIQA, the Department of Health, and members of the LUH and National Patients Forums gathered to collaborate and share the ways they are improving services to their patients as a result of the National Inpatient Experience Programme.

Roscommon University Hospitals appoints Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Respiratory Care

Roscommon University Hospital (RUH) is delighted to announce the recent appointment of Sarah Daly to the role of Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) in Respiratory Care.

HSE West and North West rolls out Hereditary Haemochromatosis (HH) Education Programme for GP Practices in partnership with The Irish Haemochromatosis Association

Ireland has the highest reported prevalence of Hereditary Haemochromatosis (HH) in the world, and the prevalence is highest in the West of Ireland.

Tugann Ospidéal na hOllscoile, Gaillimh, aitheantas do Lá Domhanda an Mhurtaill

Ba é an 4 Márta, Lá Domhanda an Mhurtaill agus tá speisialtóirí sa tSeirbhís um Mhurtall in Ospidéal na hOllscoile Gaillimh i mbun feachtas feasachta ar théama na bliana seo  ‘Ag athrú córas ar mhaithe le saol níos folláine’.  Iarrann an feachtas ar dhaoine, páirt a ghlacadh sna hathruithe dearfacha a theastaíonn le dul i ngeic le murtall.

Galway University Hospitals show increase in attendance and reduction in waiting lists for 2024

Figures released by Galway University Hospitals (GUH) for 2024 demonstrate a sustained increase in activity and a reduction in waiting lists.

Despite an incredibly busy year GUH has made significant progress in reducing wait lists.

Letterkenny University Hospital shows increase in attendance and reduction in waiting lists for 2024

Figures released by Letterkenny University Hospital (LUH) for 2024 demonstrate a sustained increase in activity and a reduction in waiting lists.

Despite an incredibly busy year LUH has made significant progress in reducing wait lists.

Portiuncula University Hospital to mark World Kidney Day

Portiuncula University Hospital to mark World Kidney Day

World Kidney Day which takes place on 13 March marks a global campaign aimed at raising awareness around kidney disease.  This year’s theme, “Are Your Kidneys OK? Detect Early, Protect Kidney Health,” highlights the importance of recognising kidney disease risk factors as well as early detection and intervention in preventing and managing the disease. 

University Hospital Galway Obesity Service acknowledges World Obesity Day

Tuesday 4th March is World Obesity Day and specialists in the Obesity Service, Galway University Hospitals (GUH) are raising awareness of this year’s theme; ‘Changing systems for healthier lives’. This campaign calls upon everyone to be a part of positive change needed to deal with obesity. 

Sligo University Hospital introduce a two-way text reminder service for Outpatient Appointments

Sligo University Hospital (SUH) has launched a two-way SMS text messaging reminder service for patients who have outpatient appointments at the hospital. The new service will enhance patient engagement and reduce missed appointments by engaging with patients via text, allowing them cancel appointments/ reschedule directly.

Mayo University Hospital shows increase in attendance and reduction in waiting lists for 2024

Figures released by Mayo University Hospital (MUH) for 2024 demonstrate a sustained increase in activity and a reduction in waiting lists.

Despite an incredibly busy year MUH has made significant progress in reducing wait lists.
