From Monday 5th July 2021, Portiuncula University Hospital will be easing general visiting restrictions and facilitating visits to patients in the ward areas by appointment. Appointments will be staggered across all ward areas each day between 3:00pm and 4:30pm.
The Paediatric Diabetes Service at Portiuncula University Hospital (PUH) has changed the way it delivers outpatient appointments as a result of COVID-19 thanks to innovative ‘virtual clinics’ that provide access to the service instead of the traditional face-to-face appointment, at a time when social and physical distancing remains important.
A mother of two children and a grandmother of two, 66 year old Rose Mannion originally from Cloghan, County Offaly and now living in Lorrha in North Tipperary was admitted to Portiuncula University Hospital on 28 March with COVID-19. Rose spent a total of 81 days in the Intensive Care Unit between Portiuncula University Hospital and University Hospital Galway.
Portiuncula University Hospital is inviting parents and their families who have experienced bereavement through the death of a child or who have lost a baby through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, still birth or shortly after birth, to a Service of Remembrance which will take place in the hospital on Monday 03 February.
Portiuncula University Hospital is one of 10 hospitals nationally working together to improve the care of patients who present with ischaemic stroke (where blood supply to the brain is cut off or severely reduced). The quality improvement programme was developed by the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and the National Thrombectomy Service.
Portiuncula University Hospital (PUH) won a Saolta Staff Recognition Award for ‘Outstanding Employee’ and was shortlisted in a further two categories at a recent awards ceremony.
Staff from Portiuncula University Hospital welcomed Minister for Health, Mr Simon Harris TD to the hospital today (Friday 01 November) where he received an update on progress on the new 50 bed ward block.
Portiuncula University Hospital celebrated National Breastfeeding Week this week by welcoming author Maria Casey to the hospital to talk about the importance of supporting and promoting breastfeeding.
The Heart Failure Service provided by Portiuncula University Hospital and Galway Primary Care is one of the successful projects to benefit from the €20m Sláintecare Integration Fund announced by Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD this week.
Cody is a 6 year old Golden Retriever who lives a normal life like any other dog…mostly. Once a week, he puts on his Irish Therapy Dog uniform and trots through the door of the ICU in Portiuncula University Hospital (PUH), where his calming and comforting influence is felt in abundance.