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Hospital Location: 
Mayo University Hospital
Floor Level: 
1st Floor
094 9042353 / 094 9042354

Mayo University Hospital Maternity Unit Tour

This video is for patients and families to look inside the unit, meet some staff and learn about the services available in Mayo University Hospital Maternity Unit.  

Nominated support partners 

As a maternity department, we aim to empower each woman to have a positive labour and birth experience and to enable each woman to have the support of a nominated support partner of their choice throughout the process of labour and birth. Current information about nominated support partner access to the Maternity Ward, SCBU, appointments and clinics is available here

Antenatal Classes at MUH

We aim to support you throughout your pregnancy, help to prepare you for your birth and transition to the postnatal period.
We provide a four week block of classes:

Class 1 – Preparation for Labour and Birth
Class 2 – Introduction to Hypnobirthing
Class 3 – Postnatal Care
Class 4 – Breastfeeding

Each class is about two hours long. Please contact us to book your Antenatal Classes. We look forward to seeing you soon!. 

To Book your place please email: with the following details :

  • Name
  • D.O.B
  • Hospital Number (PID)
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Delivery Date (EDD)
  • Preferred class- Tuesday Onsite OR Thursday online

Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service (SPMHS)

  • Perinatal mental health refers to your mental health during pregnancy and the year after. It's really common to experience some changes, affecting about one in five women, and these can range from just feeling a bit off to more serious challenges. If you've had mental health struggles before, it's worth keeping an extra eye on things now.
  • Your mental well-being is just as important as your physical health during this time. You'll likely experience a whole range of emotions, and that's perfectly normal. But if those feelings start to feel overwhelming or persistent, please reach out for support.                                                                                     
  • At Mayo University Hospital, Áine McGrillen, our Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Midwife, is here to support women with mild to moderate mental health concerns. It's important to acknowledge that while physical changes during pregnancy are widely discussed, emotional changes often get less attention. Your mental health can significantly impact your relationship with your baby and their development.
  • It's completely normal to feel anxious about being a good parent, especially if it's your first time. Please know that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. With the right support, you can build your confidence and enjoy this special time with your baby.

You may need additional support about your mental health if;

  • Your symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks.
  • Your symptoms interfere with your ability to work or to carry out your usual day-to-day activities.
  • Your symptoms cause considerable upset and distress.
  • You have suffered from mental health difficulties in the past.

 What we do:

Our Perinatal Mental Health Midwife assesses and supports women with mild to moderate mental health problems, both during pregnancy and the postnatal period until the infant is 6 weeks old.

She work jointly with GPs, Obstetricians, the Neonatal Team, and Midwives, as well as other community mental health services, if involved with the patient already. Patients are seen in Mayo University Hospital.

The primary aims of the service are:

To improve the health and well-being of women, their babies, and their wider families through support and increased awareness of mental illness in women during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Early identification of those women who have, or are at risk of, mental health problems.

Provision of effective and evidence-based interventions and signposting or referring on to the right services

Who is the SPMHS for?

  • Women who are 18 years of age or over.
  • Who are either pregnant or in the early days of their postnatal journey.
  • Women who are experiencing symptoms of depression and or anxiety and are affected by birth trauma.



Any woman attending the hospital can be referred to the service at any stage of their pregnancy and during their inpatient stay on the postnatal ward.

We also accept referrals from clinics and staff within the hospital.

We cannot accept new referrals for postnatal women.  These women should be signposted to their GP or referred to Primary Care or Community Mental Health Services. 

We do not accept self-referrals.

How to be referred:

Please see your GP, Midwife, or Obstetrician if you feel you require a referral to the Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Midwife

How to contact us:

Contact us on 0870611855  or email

Hours of service:

Monday – Thursday 09:00-17:00

Friday 09:00 – 16:00


If you are concerned about your mental health and or are experiencing thoughts of harming yourself or others, please seek help as soon as possible. 


  • Emergency services – 999
  • West Doc - 0818 360000
  • Your GP
  • Attend A&E or the MUH Emergency Department

Links and resources:

General Information on Mental Health during the Perinatal Period

Mental Health in Pregnancy

What are Perinatal Mental Health Services

Planning a Pregnancy for Women with Mental Health Problems

Postnatal Depression

Perinatal OCD

Postpartum Psychosis



Rehabilitation after Pregnancy Booklet

We have created this booklet to give you information on some of the most common issues moms experience in the first days, weeks and months of motherhood and some of the physiotherapy approaches to initiating recovery. Our hope is that this booklet not only empowers you to start your recovery journey, but that it also gives you information on what to do next if these issues don’t get better in the next few weeks

Click here to open the Postnatal -Rehabilitation after Pregnancy Booklet 


Other Useful resources

Mayo Infant Mental Health Forum 

Mayo Infant Mental Health Forum Newsletter Issue 1 - Jun 2023

Useful Telephone Numbers 

  • WestDoc:Out of Hours Urgent GP Care · 0818 360 000
  • Mayo University Hospital Antenatal Clinic via Switchboard: 094 9042000
  • MUH Maternity Ward: 094 9042353/2354
  • MUH Delivery Suite: 094 9042359/2360
  • Pieta House Crisis  Freephone 1800 247 247 or Text HELP to 51444
  • Therapy Enquiries: 0818 111126
  • WomensAid Ireland: 24hr National Freephone Helpline 1800 341 900
  • My Options: 1800 828 010
  • Claremorris Family Resource Centre: 094 937 7838
  • Ballyhaunis Family Resource Centre:  094 963 0929
  • Castlebar Le Cheile Family Resource Centre: 094 902 5126
  • Ballina Family Resource Centre:  096 75573
  • Westport Family & Community Resource Centre:  098 24419
  • The Family Centre, Castlebar: 094 902 5900
  • Tacu Family Resource Centre, Ballinrobe: 094 954 2908
  • Cairdeas Family Resource Centre, Kilmovee: 094 964 9814