Galway University Hospitals, End of Life Committee are holding their 14th Interfaith Memorial Service in memory of our patients who have died, in The Ardilaun Hotel, Taylors Hill, Galway.
The service is being held on the 30th November 2023 at 7pm.
Galway University Hospitals care for patients from a wide geographical area and the End of Life Committee want to reach out and acknowledge the loss felt by all families and friends who have been bereaved.
Portiuncula University Hospital (PUH) has recently received European accreditation for the Echocardiography Department by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) following a process of quality standards and improvements.
The Children’s Remembrance Day Committee at University Hospital Galway (UHG) has launched their annual ‘Sponsor a Christmas tree light’ 2023.
A light can be sponsored on the Christmas tree at University Hospital Galway in memory of the deceased or as a gift to a loved one. These lights give families an opportunity to remember their loved ones in a special way over the festive season.
A triduum of Masses will be offered for all those for whom lights are sponsored
Roscommon University Hospital is delighted to announce that Eoin McGinn has recently been appointed as Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner (RANP) in Emergency Nursing at Roscommon Injury Unit.
RANPs are the highest level of clinical experts in the nursing profession in Ireland today and are transforming services for patients through an expanded scope of practice, greater clinical autonomy and decision-making.
Sligo University Hospital (SUH) is inviting parents and their families who have experienced bereavement, through the death of a baby or child or who have experienced pregnancy loss to remember their loved ones in a special Mass of Remembrance, which will take place on Wednesday, 15 November at 8pm in St Anne’s Small Chapel, Cranmore, Sligo, F91 R250.
The Frailty at the Front Door Service (FFD) in Galway University Hospitals commenced in 2021 and since then over 2,200 older patients have benefitted from targeted assessment and interventions to help them remain well at home.
Mayo University Hospital marked World Stroke Day this week by launching a book containing resources and supports for stroke patients and their families. The book, called “My Stroke Journey”, is a 67-page guide to all aspects of this life-threating condition, developed by the multi-disciplinary stroke team in MUH in collaboration with patients.
The National Ambulance Service (NAS) and Roscommon University Hospital (RUH) have agreed a programme that will allow for some patients to be transferred directly to RUH Injury Unit if they meet strict criteria.
The programme which involves strict clinical and geographical criteria will see a small cohort of patients with minor injuries transferred by NAS to the injury unit for treatment.
The Children's Remembrance Committee at University Hospital Galway will hold their annual Golden Enrolment Mass in memory of deceased colleagues on Saturday, 11 November at 7pm in the Chapel of all Saints, Merlin Park University Hospital.
The Saolta University Health Care Group is inviting all Registered General Nurses who are interested in pursuing a career in Midwifery to apply for the Postgraduate Higher Diploma in Midwifery Programme.
Registered nurses interested in training to be a Midwife can now apply for the Higher Diploma in Midwifery, HSE Sponsorship and Recruitment Programme.