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Saolta News

Letterkenny University Hospital postponing some elective procedures due to site pressures

Letterkenny University Hospital remains under significant pressure with high attendances and long wait times in our Emergency Department in recent days.

All available beds are in use. Every effort is being made to discharge patients who are ready to go home so that beds will become available for patients who need to be admitted, at the earliest opportunity.

Roscommon University Hospital awarded Gold Happy Heart Award

The Irish Heart Foundation has awarded the Gold Happy Heart Award to Roscommon University Hospital in recognition of the ongoing work at the hospital to promote healthy eating in the workplace.

New Patient Advocacy and Liaison Service Coordinator for Sligo University Hospital

Sligo University Hospital (SUH) is delighted to announce the appointment of Catherine Kelly to the role of Patient Advocacy and Liaison Service (PALS) Coordinator.  

The Patient Advice and Liaison Service Co-ordinator acts as the main contact between patients, their families, carers and the hospital. They ensure that the patient voice is heard either through the patient directly or through a nominated representative.

Saolta University Health Care Group welcomes announcement of elective hospital for the West

The Saolta University Health Care Group and Galway University Hospitals (GUH) welcome today’s announcement of the progression of an elective hospital for the region.

The development of the elective site at Merlin Park University Hospital (MPUH) will support the separation of scheduled and unscheduled care, reduce cancellations and address lengthy waiting lists for elective procedures. 

Sligo University Hospital warns of possible delays as necessary upgrades carried out this weekend

Sligo University Hospital (SUH) will be carrying out necessary upgrades this weekend which may result in delays in our Emergency Department.

The hospital is updating its ITC system in order to link SUH with other hospitals and community services in the region. It is anticipated that the move may cause some delays whilst our reception team navigate the new system.

We apologies in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and ask for patience during this period of change.

Emergency Electrical works at Mayo University Hospital will affect site access tomorrow Friday 02 December

The emergency electrical repairs require structural works which will cause disruption to all vehicle access to the site.

These works will impact the set down areas outside the front of the hospital at the Emergency Department and main reception entrance. The works will commence at 2am tomorrow Friday, 02 December and continue into Saturday 03 December.

Mayo University Hospital staff 5km fundraiser for Special Care Baby Unit in Kenya 

Mayo University Hospital staff walk, jog or run 5km to raise funds for a life-saving project in Londiani Hospital in Kenya.

Mayo University Hospital (MUH) has a long-standing relationship with Londiani Sub-County Hospital in Kericho County. This partnership was established 14 years ago to enable shared learning between healthcare workers in western Kenya and western Ireland, with the aim of improving health outcomes for all.

Letterkenny University Hospital is extremely busy today

The Emergency Department at Letterkenny University Hospital is under significant pressure today with high attendances and long waiting times. The high number of people attending who need to be admitted for ongoing treatment means that there is pressure on bed availability. This is resulting in significant delays being experienced by patients in the Emergency Department who are waiting for a bed to become available on a ward.

The Children’s Remembrance Day Committee in UHG launch their annual ‘Sponsor a Christmas Tree Light’

The Children’s Remembrance Day Committee at University Hospital Galway (UHG) has launched ‘Sponsor a Christmas tree light’ 2022.

A light can be sponsored on the Christmas tree at University Hospital Galway in memory of the deceased or as a gift to a loved one.  These lights give families an opportunity to remember their loved ones in a special way over the festive season.  

New Patient Advocacy and Liaison Service Coordinator for Portiuncula University Hospital

Portiuncula University Hospital is delighted to announce the appointment of Sharon Donoghue to the role of Patient Advocacy and Liaison Service (PALS) Coordinator.  

The Patient Advice and Liaison Service Co-ordinator acts as the main contact between patients, their families, carers and the hospital. They ensure that the patient voice is heard either through the patient directly or through a nominated representative.
