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Media Statement - Interim Chair of the Board of WNWHG

At an extraordinary meeting of the board of the West / North West Hospitals Group on Monday June 16th, board member Dr John Killeen agreed to take on the voluntary role of interim chair pending the imminent appointment of a new chairperson by the Minister for Health.


Dr Killeen joined the board in January 2013. He is an engineer by profession and a native of County Roscommon who became an Honorary Freeman of Galway City in 2012.


Aphasia Awareness Day in Mayo General Hospital on Wednesday 25 June

The HSE Mayo Community Services and the Mayo General Hospital Speech and Language Therapy Department will host an Aphasia Awareness Day on Wednesday 25 June from 10am to 4pm in the lobby of Mayo General Hospital.    

Message from Bill Maher, CEO – Resignation of Noel Daly

It is indeed with deep regret that I’m writing to tell you that Noel Daly, our Chairman for the past two years, has chosen to resign.
He has made this decision to resign as, to use his own words, he did not want his personal and professional reputation or the reputation of the Group to be compromised in any way.

"Share and Shout" Practice Development launches

A new webpage was launched this week to faciliate Nursing and Midwifey staff in sharing information with their colleagues..
Directors of Nursing and Midwifery undertaking the Royal College of Surgeon "Future Nurse Leaders Programme" recognised a gap for the profession in accessing a suitable platform that easily allows the sharing of best practice innovations with others.
The Website can be accessed at:

Galway University Hospitals Develops a Mobile App for Diabetes and Pregnancy

The Atlantic Diabetes in Pregnancy Team (Atlantic DIP) at Galway University Hospitals (GUH) have developed a mobile app for women who have diabetes in pregnancy (type 1, type 2 or gestational). Now women can have reliable information about preparing for pregnancy and caring for themselves during and after pregnancy at their fingertips.

Flood Management Strategy for Letterkenny Hospital Published

The West / North West Hospitals Group has been granted planning permission from Donegal County Council for the construction of a new storm flow routing pipe and associated works at Letterkenny General Hospital (LGH).

Progress with Outpatient Waiting List at Galway University Hospitals Continues

Last year one of the top priorities for Galway University Hospitals was to reduce the outpatient waiting list to meet the national target that no patient should wait longer than 12 months for an appointment.

West / North West Hospitals Group launches a contacts mobile app

A new mobile app which contains all the contact telephone numbers for each of the hospital sites in the West / North West Hospitals Group* was launched yesterday in Galway.
The new app is free to download for use by staff and GPs. Users can choose which hospital to set as “home” and the app also includes many other features such as shortcuts to numbers used frequently.

Statement by Bill Maher, Group CEO on Maternity Services within the Group

In response to a series of reports into Ireland’s maternity services including the HIQA report*, last year the HSE established a National Group to oversee the implementation of a series of recommendations arising from these reports. This group has developed implementation plans for 2014 to build on the many initiatives that are already underway in maternity services and to implement the recommendations.

Endoscopy Project at Roscommon Hospital

Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly TD visited Roscommon Hospital today (Monday 12 May) to view plans for the construction of a new Endoscopy Department at the hospital.
The tendering process has now reached the evaluation stage and it is expected that the contractor will be appointed to the project in the coming weeks. An allocation of €5.5m has been approved for this development. Construction is expected to commence in June 2014 and will take one year to build.
