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Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) /STI Clinic
The Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) clinic based in University Hospital Galway is the largest in the west of Ireland with approximately 4000 patient attendances per year
- Our service is free of charge
- We currently see people on an appointment basis only
- We offer testing for STIs for people with and without symptoms
- For those without symptoms a waiting list may apply
- We offer clinics for HIV prevention (PrEP). See for further information
- We run a clinic for Hepatitis A/B and Gardasil vaccinations. Please bring a copy of relevant vaccination records
COVID-19 may affect our ability to offer full services, please phone us for latest updates. It is important not to attend the clinic if in the last 14 days you:
- Have tested positive for COVID-19
- Were in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 COVID
- Have had any symptoms of COVID-19
- Travelled abroad
Please phone the clinic to discuss your situation.
How to access our clinic
We accept people attending our clinic on a self-referral basis. If someone has been referred by a general practitioner or other hospital service we appreciate a letter of referral to help us plan and deliver appropriate care and treatment.
What does a visit to clinic involve?
If you have no symptoms you may be invited to have a urine test (male) or self-taken vaginal test (female) to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea. You will also be invited to have a blood test for HIV, hepatitis B, C and syphilis.
If you have symptoms or have specific concerns or risk you may be invited to have additional tests done.
How do I get results?
Results can be obtained by phoning us 2-3 weeks after your visit to clinic (on a Tuesday or Thursday between 2pm- 4pm)
What if I have a diagnosed infection?
If you are diagnosed with an infection treatment, care and follow up will be provided in the clinic.
What about partners or contacts?
A health advisor is available to help you contact partners if you are diagnosed with an infection.
How do I prevent sexually transmitted infections?
Condoms, used consistently, can reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections. We can offer you free condoms and lube when you come to clinic as well as advice on using condoms and the skills to negotiate safer sex. Where indicated, we can also offer vaccinations and HIV prevention medications in line with national guidelines.
How do I find the clinic?
We are located in a self-contained building to the front of the hospital (close to the Newcastle Road)
Please follow signs for GUM Clinic, Infectious Diseases, Hepatology and Pain clinics (all located in the same building). Please phone us should you need further information or directions. 091 542294.
Where can I learn more about sexually transmitted infections and sexual health?
- Sexual Wellbeing -
- Your Sexual Health
- HIV Ireland
- HSE Health Promotion
- The website is designed for young people and lists STI clinics nationally
- British Association for Sexual Health and HIV
- provides links to STI and other sexual health services nationally
- Crisis Pregnancy Agency
- Galway RCC
- BeLonG To is an organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) young people, aged between 14 and 23
- Irish Family Planning Association
- Cervical check
- Man2Man aims to provide MSM with information and advice