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Visiting restrictions still in place at Sligo University Hospital

Sligo University Hospital continues to seek the co-operation of the public to prevent spread of vomiting and diarrhoea in the hospital
The following visiting restrictions apply:
 -No visiting is allowed, except for End of Life situations and other exceptional circumstances, as agreed with the specific ward manager in advance of visiting.
-No children are allowed visit at this time, as they may be particularly susceptible to the illness.
We would encourage the public to contact their GP or GP Out-of-Hours service in the first instance and not to attend the Emergency Department unless absolutely necessary.
Patients with pre-planned hospital appointments such as outpatients who have not had any symptoms of vomiting or
diarrhoea should attend their appointment as normal, unless otherwise advised by the hospital.
The above visiting restrictions will continue throughout this week.
April 11th 2016
Issued by the Communications Department
Saolta University Health Care Group -