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Saolta Executive Committee

The Executive Committee was established as the executive decision-making body of the Saolta University Health Care Group and is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer.

The Executive Committee has responsibility for ensuring that the Saolta University Health Care Group’s operational and clinical activities are governed under a single robust structure.  The primary focus is to manage the delivery of acute hospital services across Saolta Group hospitals, focusing on ensuring the delivery of high quality safe services.  The Executive Committee will develop and oversee a clear accountability framework focused on ensuring timely access, quality assurance of all services and financial stability.

The Executive Committee has responsibility for developing the vision and strategy for the Saolta University Health Care Group, to provide effective leadership and direction, to value staff and promote their welfare, and to ensure that the organisation delivers on the objectives and key performance requirements set out in its Service Plan.

Ann Cosgrove, Interim CEO

Chief Operating Officer 

Prof. Pat Nash, Chief Clinical Director




 Chief Financial Officer (vacant)
Paul Hooton, Chief Director of Nursing and Midwifery
Enda Maloney, Director of Human Resources
Chris Kane GM PHB 3038.jpgChris Kane, General Manager, Galway University Hospitals
Catherine Donohoe, General Manager, Mayo University Hospital
Grainne McCann, General Manager, Sligo University Hospital
Sean Murphy, General Manager, Letterkenny University Hospital
James Keane, General Manager, Portiuncula University Hospital

Marie Doorly, Acting General Manager, Roscommon University Hospital

Dr Ramona McLoughlin, Clinical Director, Quality & Patient Safety Directorate
Prof Michael Kerin, Director of Cancer MCAN
Prof Anthony O’Regan, Chief Academic Officer
Prof Tim O’Brien, Clinical Director, Medicine MCAN


Alan Hussey, Clinical Director, Perioperative Directorate
Siobhan Canny, Group Director of Midwifery

Prof John Morrison, Director of Women’s & Children’s MCAN

Prof Margaret Murray, Clinical Director, Laboratory Directorate 




Caroline Crawford, Group Head of Communications




Group Clinical Director, Radiology (vacant)

Prof Martin O’Donnell, Dean of College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Medical Faculty, University of Galway (Ex-Officio Member)