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Merlin Park University Hospital

Galway University Hospitals, comprising of University Hospital Galway (UHG) and Merlin Park University Hospital (MPUH), provide a comprehensive range of services to emergency and elective patients on an inpatient, outpatient and day care basis across the two sites.

GUH play a leadership role in acute service delivery providing regional services for a wide range of specialities and is also a designated supra regional centre for cancer and cardiac services serving a catchment area in the region of one million people along the West from Donegal to Tipperary North.

Merlin Park University Hospital is a Model 2 hospital.

GUH is recognised for Higher Medical Training in all specialities.

Main Phone Number: +353 (0)91 544544
Waiting List Call Centre: +353 (0)91 893300

Visiting times are:

  • 2pm to 4pm
  • 6pm to 8pm

Relocation of Outpatient Appointments from University Hospital Galway to Merlin Park Campus

The relocation of certain Outpatient Department (OPD) services from University Hospital Galway (UHG) to Merlin Park will commence next week on Monday, 10 February. Some patients will from the 10th February have their outpatient clinic appointment in Merlin Park instead of UHG and this will be clearly stated on their appointment letter or the text message they receive.

Tánaiste Micheál Martin officially opens Adult Cystic Fibrosis Unit at Merlin Park

Tánaiste, Micheál Martin has today (Friday 01 November) officially opened the new state-of-the-art outpatient unit for adults with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) at Merlin Park University Hospital (MPUH). The new unit cost €3.64m to construct with €700,000 funded by Cystic Fibrosis Ireland and the balance funded by the HSE.

Tánaiste Micheál Martin officially opens new Outpatients Building at Merlin Park University Hospital

Tánaiste Micheál Martin has today (Friday, November 1) officially opened the new Outpatients Building at Merlin Park University Hospital  At a cost of €15.33 million, this project will see a phased transfer of outpatient services from University Hospital Galway to the Merlin Park campus.

Merlin Park University Hospital welcomes publication of HIQA report following inspection

Merlin Park University Hospital (MPUH) welcomes the publication by Health Information Quality Authority (HIQA) of its report of the assessment of compliance with medical exposure to ionizing radiation regulations at MPUH.

An announced inspection at MPUH was carried out at the hospital on the 20th of March 2024. Inspectors visited the DXA and general X-ray departments in MPUH.

New medical pathway for home dialysis introduced at Merlin Park University Hospital

Merlin Park University Hospital has introduced a new pathway offering some dialysis patients an alternative to surgery for the insertion of catheters.

The new option will reduce waiting times and allow more people to avail of treatment at home following the implanting of peritoneal dialysis catheters.


Photo Title Hospital Location Telephone
Hospital 1 MPUH Merlin Park University Hospital (091) 775608
Hospital 2 MPUH Merlin Park University Hospital (091) 775613
Hospital Ground MPUH Merlin Park University Hospital (091) 775655
Orthodontic Service Merlin Park University Hospital
Special Care MPUH Merlin Park University Hospital (091) 775618
Unit 1 MPUH Merlin Park University Hospital (091) 775541
Unit 2 MPUH Merlin Park University Hospital (091) 775541
Unit 3 MPUH Merlin Park University Hospital (091) 731480
Unit 4 MPUH Merlin Park University Hospital (091) 775561
Unit 5 MPUH Merlin Park University Hospital (091) 775566


Merlin Park Hospital Map

merlin park university hospital galway

Information coming soon