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Statement from Dr Patrick Nash, Clinical Director University Hospital Galway and Commissioner of the Enquiry into the Death of Ms Savita Halappanavar

Firstly, on behalf of University Hospital Galway, I would like to sincerely apologise to Mr Praveen Halappanavar and family for the events related to his wife’s care that contributed to her tragic death.
University Hospital Galway is committed to operating to the highest standards.
We can reassure all concerned that we have already implemented changes to avoid the repeat of such an event.
Mr Halappanavar has stated that he does not want any other woman go through what happened to his wife. The recommendations from this review will result in changes and improvements that will minimise the risk of this ever happening again in Ireland.
The death of Ms Savita Halappanavar was the first direct maternal death at University Hospital Galway in 16 years. The chronology of our actions in response to this tragic event is described on page 54 of the report.
It is clear from the report that there were failures in the standard of care provided at University Hospital Galway.
In response to the Interim Safety Recommendations issued to the hospital, we have already undertaken significant improvements, including:

  • The implementation of early warning scoring systems;
  • The education of all staff in the recognition, monitoring and management of sepsis and septic shock; and
  • The introduction of a new multi-disciplinary team-based training programme in the management of obstetric emergencies, including sepsis.

We have improved our communications processes and are implementing ISBAR* procedures for doctors’ handovers.
University Hospital Galway and the HSE will work to fully implement all of the recommendations arising from the report.
I would like to thank the Chairman and the investigation team for the professionalism and thoroughness of their investigation.
In conclusion, on behalf of all of the staff at the hospital, I wish to again offer our sincere sympathies to Mr Halappanavar and his family.