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Saolta News

UHG administers its first dose of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

Staff in University Hospital Galway were among those who received the first doses of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine administered today, Tuesday December 29th. Lorna Quinn Assistant Director of Nursing and one of the peer vaccinators who will deliver the COVID-19 vaccine to staff based in University Hospital Galway was the first staff member in the hospital and the Saolta Group to receive the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.

Saolta e-Newsletter Issue 44 Winter 2020

Welcome to the Winter 2020 edition of the Saolta University Health Care Group newsletter featuring some of the developments and achievements that have been taking place in hospitals throughout the Group.

Click here to download a copy of the Saolta e-Newsletter Issue 44 Winter 2020

Saolta Hospital Group partners with the World Health Organisation to Deliver Public Lecture on Digital Health

A public lecture on Digital Health with Prof Derek O’Keeffe, Consultant Physician at University Hospital Galway and Mr Bernardo Mariano Jr, WHO Chief Information Officer is now available to view at:

Mayo University Hospital’s Pharmacy Team advise ‘Know, Check, Ask’

Mayo University Hospital’s Pharmacy Team advise ‘Know, Check, Ask’

The Pharmacy team in Mayo University Hospital are reminding the public to ‘Know, Check, Ask’ when it comes to managing their medication.

They are asking the public to:

Roscommon University Hospital appoints First Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Respiratory Care

Roscommon University Hospital appoints First Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Respiratory Care

Noreen Fallon, a Roscommon native, has recently been appointed as a Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner (RANP) in Respiratory Care at Roscommon University Hospital. Noreen is the first RANP specialising in Respiratory Care at Roscommon University Hospital. RANPs are the highest level of clinical experts in the nursing profession in Ireland today.

Letterkenny University Hospital undertakes significant hospital-wide recruitment campaign

Letterkenny University Hospital undertakes significant hospital-wide recruitment campaign

Letterkenny University Hospital undertakes significant hospital-wide recruitment campaign
Up to 120 posts to be recruited

University Hospital Galway extremely busy today

University Hospital Galway is extremely busy today, 16 December which has resulted in pressure on bed availability in the hospital.

Saolta University Health Care Group supports the UNICEF ‘Get a Vaccine, Give a Vaccine’ Campaign

Staff in the Saolta University Health Care Group are once again supporting the UNICEF ‘Get a Vaccine, Give a Vaccine’ campaign by getting their flu vaccination. For every member of staff who gets a flu vaccine, Saolta will donate 10 polio vaccines to UNICEF.

This is the fourth year that staff have been supporting UNICEF in this way and last year a total of 45,500 vaccines were donated on behalf of staff in the Saolta Group of hospitals.

Significant work underway at Portiuncula University Hospital to improve facilities for patients

Work is continuing on a number of important projects at Portiuncula University Hospital which will significantly improve the facilities at the hospital for patients.

Letterkenny University Hospital’s Pharmacy Team advise ‘Know, Check, Ask’

The Pharmacy team in Letterkenny University Hospital are reminding the public to ‘Know, Check, Ask’ when it comes to managing their medication.

They are asking the public to:
