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Sligo University Hospital welcomes inspirational Olympians and Paralympian

Staff and patients in Sligo University Hospital were thrilled to receive a visit from four local athletes who competed in the Olympics and Paralympics this summer.

Chris O'Donnell, Lauren Cadden, Dean Clancy and Martin Gordon visited the hospital on Monday to meet with patients and staff and were given a very warm welcome by our younger patients in the Paediatric Ward.

The visit was made even more special because Dean Clancy and Lauren Cadden both have strong family connections to the hospital. Dean’s brother Jason and aunt Valerie work in SUH as does Laura’s father Michael Cadden.

Welcoming the athletes, Deputy Hospital Manager Georgina Kilcoyne said, “As athletes, you embody resilience, grit, and the relentless drive to achieve greatness. You push the boundaries of human potential, overcoming obstacles and persevering through adversity. These qualities resonate deeply with us here at the hospital, because they mirror the journey of our patients.

“Every day, we witness patients facing incredible challenges—whether recovering from illness, injury, or surgery. Much like you, they must find the inner strength to keep moving forward, even when the road is tough. Their resilience is a testament to the human spirit, just as yours is to the athletic world.

“In many ways, both our patients and our athletes share a common bond: the belief that with determination and courage, anything is possible. It is this shared spirit of perseverance that unites us today. Your stories of dedication inspire not just our patients, but all of us who work in healthcare.” 

The article above is specific to the following Saolta hospitals:: 
Sligo University Hospital (SUH)