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Regional Health Forum West Annual General Meeting

At the Annual General Meeting of the Regional Health Forum West on Tuesday 16 July, the following members were elected to the positions of Chair and Vice Chair of the Regional Health Forum West and Regional Health Forum Committee:

Regional Health Forum West
Chair - Cllr Ciaran Brogan (FF), Donegal County Council
Vice Chair - Cllr Michael Kilcoyne (NP), Mayo County Council

Regional Health Forum Committee
Chair - Cllr Donna McGettigan (SF), Clare County Council
Vice Chair - Bridie Collins (FF), Limerick City and County Council

Photo Captions:
Tony Canavan, Regional Executive Officer, HSE West and North West and Executive Chair of the Regional Health Forum West with Newly elected Cllr Ciaran Brogan, Chair of the Regional Health Forum West.

Cllr Michael Kilcoyne, Vice Chair of the Regional Health Forum with Tony Canavan, Regional Executive Officer, HSE West and North West and Executive Chair of the Regional Health Forum West; and Cllr Ciaran Brogan, Chair of the Regional Health Forum West.

Cllr Michael Kilcoyne, Vice Chair of the Regional Health Forum with Tony Canavan, Regional Executive Officer, HSE West and North West and Executive Chair of the Regional Health Forum West

Cllr Donna McGettigan, Chairperson of the Regional Health Forum Committee and Tony Canavan, Regional Executive Officer, HSE West and North West and Executive Chair of the Regional Health Forum West.


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