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18MUH2025-Clinical Nurse Manager 2 / Bainisteoir Altraí Cliniciúla 2– Infection, Prevention and Control

Hospital Applicable: 
Mayo University Hospital
Job Description: 

Job Title, Grade Code Clinical Nurse Manager 2 / Bainisteoir Altraí Cliniciúla 2– Infection, Prevention and Control
(Grade Code 2119)

The salary scale for the post is: 01/03/2025

€60,854 €61,862 €62,715 €64,106 €65,644 €67,154 €68,664 €70,364 €71,943 €74,658€ 76,897 LSI

New appointees to any grade start at the minimum point of the scale. Incremental credit will be applied for recognised relevant service in Ireland and abroad (Department of Health Circular 2/2011). Incremental credit is normally granted on appointment, in respect of previous experience in the Civil Service, Local Authorities, Health Service and other Public Service Bodies and Statutory Agencies.
Campaign Reference 18MUH2025
Link to Application Form

Closing Date 12 noon Friday 28th March 2025

Proposed Interview Date (s) Candidates will normally be given at least tw weeks' notice of interview. The timescale may be reduced in exceptional circumstances.

Taking up Appointment A start date will be indicated at job offer stage.
Location of Post Mayo University Hospital

There is currently one permanent whole-time vacancy available

A panel may be formed as a result of this campaign for Mayo University Hospital, from which current and future, permanent and specified purpose vacancies of full or part-time duration may be filled.
Informal Enquiries We welcome enquiries about the role.

Name & Title: Thara Elizabath Johnson
Tel: 0871143307

Closing Date: 
Friday, March 28, 2025