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Mayo University Hospital

MUH Committed To Excellence

We aim to achieve excellence through securing meaningful patient engagement from the bed side to the management table; driven by engaged staff from all disciplines and grades, who are empowered by a commitment of support from senior management, for continuous quality improvement.

MUH is a 300 beds Model 3 Acute hospital with 5 directorates. For more information, see the "Introduction" tab below.

Main Phone Number: +353 (0)94 9021733

The Medical Directorate

The Medical Directorate incorporates Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Gerontology, Acute medical and supportive Cardiology. These make up more than 9000 inpatient discharges a year. MUH has a busy Emergency department with >37,000 attendances per annum. We also have a Renal Dialysis unit (watch short video) and Oncology Day unit that compounds all its own chemotherapy locally. Its Coronary Care unit is incorporated into the joint ICU/ CCU. MUH has an Endoscopy unit with medical / surgical endoscopy 5 days a week. With weekly visiting service for Dermatology, Haematology, Oncology and Nephrology.

The Peri-Operative Directorate

The Peri-Operative Directorate incorporates General Surgery and Orthopaedics. We have a visiting service in outpatient ENT. We have a 4 room operating theatres and minor procedures.

The Women’s Health and Children's Directorate

The Women’s Health and Children's Directorate incorporates an obstetric department with < 1700 births a year and a paediatric and special care baby unit. We have just recently set up a Paediatric Decision Unit to fact track children out of the ED and direct assessment by appropriate senior decision maker. Please Click Here to watch a short video about the MUH Paediatric Department.

The Radiology Directorate

The Radiology Directorate is leading the way nationally with integration with primary care and social care regarding direct access and service delivery in plain radiology and Ultrasound in Primary care centres. Please Click Here to watch a short video about the MUH Radiology Department.

The Laboratory Directorate

The Laboratory Directorate is a very strong department with a significant history of accreditation in all modalities.

MUH Framework for Improving Quality

MUH is committed to delivering high quality patient centred services. Click Here to find out how we are achieving this through the application of the HSE’s Framework for Improving Quality 2016.

Help Us to Help You

MUH Patient Engagement Logo

As a patient, staff or member of the public we hope you will find this website a useful means of engagement with your Hospital.

We welcome and encourage feedback from you on the level of service we provide.

Please submit your feedback to which will be redirected back to Mayo University Hospital.

Staff Feedback

We also welcome and encourage feedback from our staff. Staff may email their feedback to

Current Vacancies at MUH

If you are interested in joining our well established teams please Click Here for further information

First patients treated with state of the art videofluoroscopy equipment in Mayo University Hospital 

A new high specification videofluroscopy service has been introduced in Mayo University Hospital (MUH). Michael Browne from Ballina, Co Mayo was the first patient to be treated with the new state of the art diagnostic technology at the hospital.

The investment in this new equipment and software will improve patient outcomes at the hospital by providing high quality diagnostic imagery to guide the management and treatment of patients with swallowing difficulties.

New lactation specialist in Mayo University Hospital making a difference to breastfeeding mothers

Earlier this year Mayo University Hospital (MUH) appointed its first Clinical Midwife Specialist in Lactation, Mary Sammon. Mary has been looking after mothers and babies in the Maternity Unit as a midwife for 27 years but took up this specialist post to provide expert antenatal and postnatal breastfeeding support and education in MUH.

National Ambulance Service decontamination demonstration taking place at Mayo University Hospital

The National Ambulance Service (NAS) clinical decontamination team is conducting a demonstration with Mayo University Hospital (MUH) this Tuesday. NAS will set up a clinical decontamination tent at the hospital and provide a full demonstration on clinical decontamination to the staff at MUH. Clinical decontamination may be required at a hospital site for patients who self-present and haven’t been decontaminated at site of an emergency that involved potential exposure to a chemical hazard.

Contribution of Irish nurses honoured by renowned nurse Dame Elizabeth Anionwu

Mayo University Hospital was honoured to host Dame Elizabeth Anionwu on Friday 11 August as she carried out a tree planting ceremony to recognise the contribution of Irish nurses over the last 75 years in the UK National Health Service. The ceremony was an opportunity to celebrate the legacy and heritage of the nursing community locally and internationally with a special focus on Irish nurses and their contribution to the NHS.

Mayo University Hospital is extremely busy today with long wait times at the Emergency Department

The Emergency Department at Mayo University Hospital is extremely busy and experiencing higher than normal attendances. Yesterday 132 patients attended the Emergency Department, there are currently 50 new attendances today with 10 patients on trolleys awaiting admission to an in-patient bed.


Photo Title Hospital Location Telephone
Paediatrics Mayo University Hospital 094 9042420
Pathology Laboratory Department Mayo University Hospital 094 9042571
Pharmacy Department Mayo University Hospital 094 9042191
Physiotherapy Department Mayo University Hospital 094 9042483
Plaster Room Mayo University Hospital 094 9042693
Radiology Department Mayo University Hospital 094 9042448
Renal Dialysis Unit Mayo University Hospital 094 9042414
Rheumatology Mayo University Hospital
SCBU Mayo University Hospital 094 9042357
Theatre Mayo University Hospital 094 9042447


Car Parking Charges

  • There is a fixed charge of €2 for the first 3 hours
  • Every additional hour is charged at €1 per hour
  • The maximum daily charge is €5
  • Weekly tickets may be purchased in the hospital foyer. These cost €15.

The ticket machines only accept cash or coins, with change given. Cards are not currently accepted at the ticket machines.

Mayo University Hospital Map

mayo general hospital castlebar

The Saolta University Health Care Group provides acute and specialist hospital services to the West and North West of Ireland – counties Galway, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal and adjoining counties.

The Group's Academic Partner is NUI Galway.

Our vision is to be a leading academic Hospital Group providing excellent integrated patient-centred care delivered by skilled caring staff.

Saolta Guiding Principles

Care - Compassion - Trust - Learning

Our guiding principles are to work in partnership with patients and other healthcare providers across the continuum of care to:

  • Deliver high quality, safe, timely and equitable patient care by developing and ensuring sustainable clinical services to meet the needs of our population.
  • Deliver integrated services across the Saolta Group Hospitals, with clear lines of responsibility, accountability and authority, whilst maintaining individual hospital site integrity.
  • Continue to develop and improve our clinical services supported by education, research and innovation, in partnership with NUI Galway and other academic partners.
  • Recruit, retain and develop highly-skilled multidisciplinary teams through support, engagement and empowerment.
Saolta Strategy 2019-2023

We have developed a five year strategy which outlines the vision and framework for the Group’s strategic development from 2019 to 2023.

We are committed to ensuring that our patients are at the centre of all service design, development and delivery. Over the five years of the strategy we will further develop our services, both clinical and organisational based around seven key themes: Quality and Patient Safety; Patient Access; Governance and Integration; Skilled Caring Staff; Education Research and Innovation; eHealth and Infrastructure. These will be our key areas of focus to enable us to meet the future needs of our patients.

We have identified 20 priority projects across the Group which are aligned with Sláintecare’s goals. They include a number of clinical and organisational projects which are focused on further improving services for our patients and staff. We will continue to work very closely with our colleagues in the community both Community Healthcare West and Community Health Organisation 1 in the North West to deliver more streamlined care to our patients in line with the national focus of bringing services closer to patients.

A key theme within this strategy and its successful implementation is the development of Managed Clinical and Academic Networks. While the tertiary referral centre for the Group is University Hospital Galway, it is essential that all our hospitals work more closely together in delivering services to address the challenges facing us across our region. These networks will ensure that specialities in individual hospitals will no longer work in isolation but as a networked team which will improve clinical quality and patient safety. It will also support collective learning/sharing of expertise and will be supported by education, training, research and audit programmes. It will result in safer, standardised and more sustainable services for our patients and improved recruitment and retention of staff.

To read the full strategy, click here.