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UHG Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Service wins Best Team at the Saolta University Health Care Group Staff Recognition Awards

University Hospital Galway Diabetic Retinopathy treatment service were awarded the best team at the Saolta University Health Care Group Staff Recognition Awards on Friday 13 November at an event in the Sligo Park Hotel. In 2013 a National Diabetic Retinopathy screening programme commenced, with children aged over 12 and adults with diabetes offered free yearly retinal photography screening. Any person with Diabetic retinopathy or listed retinal pathology found by the screeners would be then referred to one of the seven treatment centres across the country. 163, 000 patients countrywide were on the diabetic register by June of 2015. To date 100% have been offered screening. Of those who have consented to go for screening, 85% have attended their screening appointments to date. 987 new patients have been seen at UHG, 895 of these since March 2015. Nearly 200 of these patients have undergone their required laser treatment or intravitreal injections. As the service has achieved all the pre-set national targets, funding has been generated which purchased a new multi-spot laser to further enhance both efficiency and treatment of this service for patients. A new multisport laser means that patients can be treated more painlessly and quicker.
As a result of the efficiency and strong teamwork demonstrated by all the UHG diabetic eye team, UHG is now regarded as the leading diabetic retinopathy treatment centre nationwide and the model to replicate.
Additional information:
University Hospital Galway was selected as a treatment centre and commenced treating diabetes related eye diseases in October 2014. Mr Gerry Fahy along with Mr Frank Kinsella and Eamon O Donoghue (Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeons) organised a Consultant Lead service to deliver this. In October 2014 Mr Zubair Idress (Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon) commenced the GUH treatment programme. In March 2015, Ms Deirdre Townley (Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon) commenced as clinical lead for the treatment programme at UHG. The multi-disciplinary team of Orna O Halloran (Co-ordinator/ Orthoptist), Orla Higgins (Medical Secretary), Ophthalmic Physicians (Fiona Harney, Tom Droney, Sacha Hutchinson, Geraldine Comer) Orthopists (Geraldine McBride, Peggy Moynihan), NCHDs (Christine Goodchild, George Vertsakis), Nurses (Hilda Wilkinson, Christine, Marie Bluette, Genevieve Gallagher and dayward nurses Mary Dunne, Laura O Donnellan, Triona Nolan, Maeve Feehan and Mairead Connelly), Photographer (Gareth Hurley) Receptionists (Sinead Keogh, Fiona Kenny) and administration staff have streamlined services to ensure high numbers of patients can be seen and treated in very short time frame in order to meet the pre-set national requirements. The delivery of these treatments have prevented the possibility this sight threatening eye disease causing potential blindness in those with diabetes.
Photo Caption:
Ms Deirdre Towley, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at University Hospital Galway and the team of the Diabetic Retinopathy Service receiving the Best Team award from Maurice Power, CEO, Saolta University Health Care Group.