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TIME exhibition in UHG

Installation marking Mental Health Week in foyer of University Hospital Galway

TIME – the installation which marked Mental Health Week was unveiled on Friday October 9th in the foyer of University Hospital Galway. The exhibition promotes the benefits of living in the now and the main entrance of the hospital foyer is transformed into a space for people to learn about taking positive steps in their life. The large numbers of the hospital community and general public who come through UHG every day will experience the art exhibition, interactive pieces, guided tours, magazines and video documentation. UHG has facilitated this project to raise awareness of the very important issue of mental health.
Commissioned by Galway University  Hospitals Arts  Trust; this project is the culmination of a significant partnership between the trust, GUH, Health Promotion and Improvement, Mental Health Services, Console and local businesses. 
Michael Shemeld, Health and Wellbeing division, HSE, commenting at the exhibition launch;  “What characterises this arts and health project is the degree of innovation shown by both artist and health service management and staff, the quality of the art and the commitment of health service staff and artists in connecting art and mental health”,
Concluding, Margaret Flannery, Galway University Hospitals Arts Director said “Finbar247 and GUH Arts Trust’s vision for changing spaces and how we feel in them is being realised this week with the coming together of the hospital community , supporters of the arts trust and local businesses.  We are so grateful to everyone who helped make this happen and we hope the transformation will encourage and inspire people”.  
Artists talk with Finbar247, distribution of a zine, workshops and health and fitness talks by Geoffrey Sheridan will take place throughout the month of October.  Further details are available from the arts office at 091 544979.
Note on the artist
Finbar247 is one of Ireland’s most vibrant visual artists to use outdoor spaces as a showcase for the arts and personal expression. His most recent works include a collection of large outdoor paintings around Galway city for Cúirt International Festival of Literature and an exciting installation at the Galway Arts Centre which was open to the general public in early May, called 'Love vs Fear'.