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Saolta News

World No Tobacco Day at UHG

World No Tobacco Day at UHG

Marking World No Tobacco Day at UHG are Colette Walsh, Smoking Cessation Advisor & Fionnuala Creighton, Daffodil Centre, UHG. 

Bealtaine celebrations at Unit 4, Merlin Park University Hospital

Bealtaine celebrations at Unit 4, Merlin Park University Hospital

Aindrias de Staic, actor, musician and Irish storyteller performing in Unit 4 Merlin Park University Hospital as part of the Bealtaine Festival. May belongs to the Bealtaine festival, celebrating creativity as we age! Over 120,000 people now take part in Bealtaine. From dance to cinema, painting to theatre, Bealtaine showcases the talents and creativity of both first-time and professional older artists. The Bealtaine festival will be celebrated in Healthcare settings for the month of May.

University Hospital Galway’s Children's Remembrance Day Committee invites Parents to include their Loved Ones in a Special Mass of Remembrance

University Hospital Galway’s Children's Remembrance Day Committee invites Parents to include their Loved Ones in a Special Mass of Remembrance

The Children's Remembrance Day Committee, University Hospital Galway is inviting parents and their families who have experienced the death of a child before birth, shortly after birth or at a later stage to remember their loved ones in a special Mass of Remembrance, which will take place on Sunday 22 May in the Galway Cathedral.

The theme of this year’s mass is ‘Love and Mercy’ and will include a talk from guest speaker Dr Dan Murphy.

Saolta Public Board Meeting - Letterkenny University Hospital

Saolta Public Board Meeting - Letterkenny University Hospital

The Board of the Saolta University Health Care Group held its seventh public meeting, which took place in Letterkenny University Hospital (11 May 2016). Members of the Board had the opportunity to see first-hand the breadth of services being provided at the hospital and the recent redevelopment that has taken place there.  At the meeting, the General Manager of the hospital presented an update to the Board on the hospital’s rebuild project.  Significant developments have taken place at the ho

Bealtaine - a festival celebrating creativity as we age comes to healthcare settings at Galway University Hospitals, Units 5 and 6 Merlin Park and Roscommon University Hospital

Bealtaine - a festival celebrating creativity as we age comes to healthcare settings at Galway University Hospitals, Units 5 and 6 Merlin Park and Roscommon University Hospital

The Bealtaine Festival celebrates its 21st birthday this year and runs nationwide throughout the month of May.  Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust has a series of events programmed for older patients in Galway University Hospitals, Units 5 and 6 in Merlin Park and Roscommon University Hospital.  A variety of arts events are scheduled including theatre shows, art workshops and music performances.

RTÉ Sports Broadcaster Michael Lyster Officially Opens new Family Room in Portiuncula University Hospital, Ballinasloe

RTÉ Sports Broadcaster Michael Lyster Officially Opens new Family Room in Portiuncula University Hospital, Ballinasloe

RTÉ Sports Broadcaster, Michael Lyster officially opened ‘Slí An Chroí’ Family Room in Portiuncula University Hospital, Ballinasloe last Tuesday, 10 May. The family room will provide a dedicated space for families of patients who are at end of life. 

Statement from Dr John Killeen, chairman, Saolta University Health Care Group re commitment in ‘Programme for a Partnership Government’ to replace Emergency Departmentat University Hospital Galway

We welcome the commitment to the construction of a new Emergency Department at University Hospital Galway reiterated in the “Programme for Partnership Government” published yesterday.

The building of this urgently needed Emergency Department remains the capital priority for the Saolta University Health Care Group.

Organ Donations Save Lives

Organ Donations Save Lives

The HSE Organ Donation and Transplant Ireland (ODTI) 2015 Annual Report has now been published. The report outlines the main activities of ODTI in 2015, and includes activity and outcomes in organ donation and transplant in Ireland, and outlines plans and goals for ODTI for 2016.

Update on visiting restrictions University Hospital Galway

Update on visiting restrictions University Hospital Galway

Visiting restrictions will be eased at University Hospital Galway. From 4pm today (May 10th 2016) visiting restrictions at the Hospital will only apply to St Enda’s Ward and St Teresa’s Ward. The hospital is asking the public to comply with visitor restrictions on these wards as it continues to manage suspected cases of the Vomiting Bug (Norovirus).

Roscommon University Hospital successful in NMBI Site Accreditation

Roscommon University Hospital successful in NMBI Site Accreditation

Following a successful site visit to Roscommon University Hospital on the 9th May 2016 by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI), the posts of Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner (RANP) Diabetes and RANP Emergency (Minor Injuries) have been recommended for approval to the NMBI Board.

Congratulations are extended to Ms Margaret Kelly RANP Diabetes and Ms Maggie Mew RANP Emergency, and all staff who contributed to this milestone for Roscommon University Hospital.  
