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Saolta News

Women's Health Awareness Evening

Women's Health Awareness Evening

Visiting restrictions still in place at Sligo University Hospital

Sligo University Hospital continues to seek the co-operation of the public to prevent spread of vomiting and diarrhoea in the hospital
The following visiting restrictions apply:
 -No visiting is allowed, except for End of Life situations and other exceptional circumstances, as agreed with the specific ward manager in advance of visiting.
-No children are allowed visit at this time, as they may be particularly susceptible to the illness.

County Donegal Heart Attack Patients soon to Benefit from New Cross Border Service

County Donegal Heart Attack Patients soon to Benefit from New Cross Border Service

Today (7 April 2016) has seen a significant milestone in the development of a cross border cardiology service, which will soon see Donegal patients having access to 24/7 primary Percutaneous Coronary Invention (pPCI Services) at Altnagelvin Hospital. This progress was marked with the co-signing of a comprehensive cross border Service Level Agreement by Western Trust Chief Executive, Elaine Way and Saolta University Health Care Group Chief Executive, Maurice Power.

Healthy Ireland Initiative Launched at Merlin Park University Hospital

Healthy Ireland Initiative Launched at Merlin Park University Hospital

A Healthy Ireland Initiative 'Swap and Save' was launched at Merlin Park University Hospital canteen on 06 April to highlight how a few small changes to our diet can result in weight loss and overall health improvement.  This initiative is also in keeping with the HSE policy on implementing calories to menus in staff canteens.
Pictured at the launch, Laura Reilly (Nutrition and Health Science Student, AIT); Pamela Normoyle (Healthy Ireland Lead, Galway and Roscommon);

‘Fampyra - My Story’ by artist Seamus Burke exhibits at University Hospital Galway

‘Fampyra - My Story’ by artist Seamus Burke exhibits at University Hospital Galway

‘Fampyra - My Story’ an exhibition by artist Seamus Burke was launched on the arts corridor of UHG today, Tuesday, April 05  by Mags Ryan, Community Development worker with the Multiple Sclerosis Society. The exhibition will be on display in the arts corridor until Monday 18 April.

Visiting restrictions in place at Sligo University Hospital

Visiting restrictions in place at Sligo University Hospital

Sligo University Hospital is requesting that visitors do not attend at the hospital due to the presence of Norovirus (vomiting bug) in a number of wards in the hospital. 
The hospital is seeking the co-operation of the general public in preventing the spread of this infection through adherence to the following measures:

Sligo University Hospital launch sun safety programme

Sligo University Hospital launch sun safety programme Generation SunSmart

Dermatology Nurse Specialists from Sligo University Hospital have launched 'Generation SunSmart', a sun safety programme being rolled out to children in Co. Sligo. This will see 4,000 primary school children across Co. Sligo educated on being Sun Smart. The programme is being led by Dermatology Nurse Specialist, Selene Daly, who will travel to all primary schools in Sligo between April and June to teach the children the 5 S’s of Sun Safety.

Cheque presentation to Cystic Fibrosis

Cheque presentation to Cystis Fibrosis

Marian Keane and Maureen Fitzhenry, Tiernakill, Maam present cheque for €127,000 to Cystic Fibrosis Galway. The late Andy Brown kindly donated this generous sum of €127,000 from the proceeds of the sale of his house in Cong in memory of his late grand niece Stephanie Keane and grand nephew Thomas Keane.


GUH and COPE Galway promote healthy eating for older people

Galway University Hospitals and COPE Galway work together to promote healthy eating for older people in Galway

COPE Galway Community Catering, in partnership with Galway University Hospitals launched “Good food and healthy eating advice for older people living independently” booklet. The purpose of the booklet is to raise awareness about the risks of malnutrition in older people, offer useful tips and recipes for healthy eating, and provide information about the benefits and availability of Meals on Wheels in Galway.

IHI Quality Improvement Programme Graduation

IHI Quality Improvement Programme Graduation

Staff from across the Saolta University Health Care Group who have successfully completed a Quality Improvement Programme were presented with their certificates at an awards ceremony in Merlin Park University Hospital on 4th March by HIQA.  The programme is jointly run by HIQA and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI).
