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Saolta News

Children's Remembrance Day Committee to hold Special Mass of Remembrance

Children's Remembrance Day Committee to hold Special Mass of Remembrance

The Children's Remembrance Day Committee, University Hospital Galway is inviting parents and their families who have experienced the death of a child before birth, shortly after birth or at a later stage to remember their loved ones in a special Mass of Remembrance, which will take place on Sunday 28 May in the Holy Family Church, Mervue, Galway. 

Celebrate International Clinical Trials Day on Saturday 20th May

Celebrate International Clinical Trials Day on Saturday 20th May

The Clinical Research Facility at University Hospital Galway is marking International Clinical Trials Day on Saturday 20th May with an open day at their facility in the UHG campus.

The event is aimed at past and current participants in clinical trials and their families to thank them for their important contribution to research and is also open to the general public.

Patient Experience Survey Mayo University Hospital

Patient Experience Survey Mayo University Hospital

Tracy O'Carroll, HIQA visiting Mayo University Hospital to promote National Patient Experience Survey . 

International Nurses Day 2017

International Nurses Day 2017

Nursing staff from Roscommon Univeristy Hospital marking International Nurses Day 2017 

UHG in conjunction with AWARE offer free Perinatal Support Group Sessions in Galway

UHG in conjunction with AWARE offer free Perinatal Support Group Sessions in Galway

The support group sessions are held every Wednesday at 7:30pm in Unit 8, Merlin Park University Hospital. No referral or booking is needed and there is no charge for the service. The group offers the women the chance to explore options available to them and learn coping skills to reduce the impact of the condition. It also provides a comfortable and safe place where women can share their experiences with one another.

Patient Experience Fair Day UHG

Patient Experience Fair Day UHG

Galway University Hospital staff highlighting the work of the committees working for patients across the hospital 

Centenarian celebrations at University Hospital Galway

Centenarian celebrations at University Hospital Galway

Martin Connaire, Aille, Loughrea and Mary Clancy, Walter Macken Place, Mervue, celebrating their 100 Birthdays at University Hospital Galway on Friday with Dr. Thomas Walsh, Consultant Geriatrician and Stroke Physician, Staff Nurse Niamh Molloy and Maura Linnane, Nurse Manager. 

Merlin Campus Environmental Appreciation Day

Merlin Campus Environmental Appreciation Day

Merlin Campus Environmental Appreciation Day was held in Merlin Park University Hospital on Monday 24th  April with representatives attending from Saolta University Health Care Group and Community Health Organisation CHO2, Galway, Mayo and Roscommon together with others located on site, for example the Irish Wheelchair Association.

Roscommon University Hospital Safe Sun and Skin Awareness Campaign

Roscommon University Hospital Safe Sun and Skin Awareness Campaign

The Department of Plastic Surgery in Roscommon University Hospital recently hosted a very successful Safe Sun and Awareness Campaign. The aim of the campaign was to increase knowledge among patients, visitors and members of the public regarding the dangers of sun exposure, the benefits of sun protection and how to adopt safe sun practices prior to the holiday season. 

Patients and staff in Irish Hospitals to receive ‘Menu of Poems’ for Poetry Day Ireland

Patients and staff in Irish Hospitals to receive ‘Menu of Poems’ for Poetry Day Ireland

To celebrate Poetry Day Ireland on Thursday 27 April 2017, a Menu of Poems called ‘You. Just You’ will be distributed throughout Irish hospital wards, waiting rooms and other healthcare settings for patients, visitors and staff to enjoy. The poetry was selected by poet Yrsa Daley-Ward. Daley-Ward will be visiting Ireland for the Cúirt International Festival of Literature, to read at an event and to launch the Poems for Patience Series at University Hospital Galway.
