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Saolta News

GUH Medical Scientist launches next "Icebucket Challenge" in aid of ME research

Nicola Glynn, Medical Scientist at Galway University Hospitals; one of the brainchildren behind the Chilli M.E. Challenge

Nicola Lavin (Glynn), a Medical Scientist at Galway University Hospitals is one of the brainchildren behind a new and novel social fundraising campaign. Many believe will go viral online and become the next "Ice Bucket Challenge".

Friends of Letterkenny present €750,000 for Interventional Suite

Friends of Letterkenny General Hospital present €750,000 for Interventional Suite

The Friends of Letterkenny General Hospital recently presented Letterkenny General Hospital with a cheque for €750,000. This money is being provided by the Friends of Letterkenny General Hospital to facilitate the development of an Interventional Suite at the radiology department in Letterkenny hospital.

Rheumatology services at Galway University Hospital statement

Merlin Park University Hospital Aerial

Due to Consultant staff shortages, a number of Rheumatology Outpatient clinics in GUH are being postponed during the months of July and August 2015. The hospital apologises and regrets any inconvenience this may cause to patients and their families. New appointments will be rescheduled as soon as possible. Urgent patients however will continue to be seen. Clinics in Sligo/Manorhamilton will continue as normal.

Stoma Care Information evening on 24th of June 2015

Ardilaun Hotel Galway Stoma Care Evening

Galway University Hospitals Stoma Care Unit is holding a free public information meeting for anyone who has had stoma surgery - family, friends & carers are also welcome to attend.   Entitled “Living with a stoma “,  the evening will focus on quality of life issues and looking at positive influences on living with a stoma. 

Roscommon Hospital & Croi hold free Health Pulse Checks

Staff in Roscommon Hospital attend Croi Health Pulse Checks

As part of ‘World Heart Rhythm Awareness Week’ Croí in collaboration with the Saolta University Health Care Group, Roscommon Hospital held a FREE Pulse Check screening events in the main entrance lobby of the hospital on 12th June 2015.

Many people with Atrial Fibrillation do not have any symptoms, and as a result are unaware of it. If undiagnosed, Atrial Fibrillation can lead to serious complications such as stroke and heart failure.

Roscommon Hospital hosts Haemochromatosis Awareness Day

National Haemochromatosis Awareness Day is Roscommon Hospital

In conjunction the Irish Haemochromatosis Association (IHA),  the Medical Day Services Unit at Roscommon Hospital hosted a Haemochromatosis Awareness Day on 3rd June 2015. Haemochromatosis is a genetic condition which causes people to absorb too much iron, resulting in an iron overload which can have serious consequences if not treated. Early diagnosis and treatment of this condition prevents organ damage.  

Portiuncula Hospital Ballinasloe receives re-acreditation under WHO/UNICEF Initiative

Portiuncula Hospital staff receiving re-accreditation from Dr Genevieve Becker

Portiuncula Hospital Ballinasloe has recently been reaccredited under a World Health Organisation (WHO) / United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Initiative which is given to organisations who provide high levels of infant feeding care, with a particular emphasis on breastfeeding. Portiuncula Hospital was the first organisation in Ireland to achieve this Accreditation in 2004.

GUH announces "Powering Kindness" programme results

GUH "Powering Kindness" winner Helen Mulryan

Galway University Hospital’s Health and Wellbeing Division recently ran a “Powering Kindness” programme at the hospital asking staff to nominate those colleagues who go above and beyond the call of duty in the course of their work. There was a fantastic response from across services in the hospital with many examples of staff going that extra step to support and facilitate both patients and their colleagues.

Regular pulse checks can help prevent Stroke!

Croi Check Your Pulse Campaign June 2015 as part of ‘World Heart Rhythm Awareness Week’ Croí in collaboration with Saolta University Health Care Group

“Is your Finger on the Pulse?” is the question being asked by local Heart & Stroke Charity Croí, who has just launched a campaign to mark ‘World Heart Rhythm Awareness Week’ in association with the Saolta University Health Care Group supported by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Roscommon Hospital Staff raise funds for Join Our Boys Trust.

Representive of Join Our Boys Trust and Mary Crowley, Medical Records Roscommon Hospital

Staff at Roscommon Hospital recently hosted a Coffee Morning in aid of the Join Our Boys Trust.  Ms. Mary Crowley, representing the hospital, recently handed over the sum of €646.16 to the Trust, which was raised on the day through the goodwill and generosity of staff, visitors and members of the public. 
